GAME REVIEW - Game 103344 review
Pere (eferepe) of Lagos defeated Boardmaster in a pay to play match with a early shortage 1

Sit back and enjoy the review βœ…πŸ˜Ž

Puzzle of the day 🎲
Can you spot the trap?
Kudos to you if you got that right πŸ‘

1 million games by Feb 2026
The records speak for itself.
In Feb 2024, we had achieved 1000 games.

A year on Feb 2025, we have incredibly 100,000 games on the system.

By Feb 2026, can 1,000,000 games be played!!!

As the community grows, I believe we can do it πŸ’ͺ

GAME REVIEW - Game 103056 review
February Rivalry Rumble winner Ajet defeated Ruby with a much more attacking tackle on draught board
Sit back and enjoy the review.

Puzzle of the day 🎲
Dowzy played a superb trap that is technical. Can you spot the trap? Doubt you can 🫠

AfroDraught Champions Board Final πŸ†
AfroDraught Champions week is finally here.

On Feb 22nd in Obalende, Lagos, the top 32 finalists will meet physically to display their skills. Here on AfroDraught, the team is working behind the scenes to ensure the venue and other logistics are set.

If you are participating or intend to attend the info is on the flyer.

Event starts 7.30AM GMT , 8.30AM Nigerian time.

Players don't be late. Those travelling to Lagos are advised to arrive on Friday.

All the best players.

Celebrating 100k - Just simply amazing combos πŸ‘ 🀩 😍
Over the past year, we have seen so many great games. Be ready to be stunned 😲 with the level of brilliance and complexity in these combinations.

Celebrating 100k - Most played games
Wow. These players have achieved a feat, we didn't know was possible. Over 50 completed games a day. Congratulations 🎊 πŸ‘.

They scooped the daily reward of 100 coins πŸͺ™.

Thanks everyone for playing on AfroDraught. Could not have reached 100,000 games feat without you all.

Let's make it 1 million games Feb 2026.

GAME REVIEW - Game 101871 review
Dediamond executes a god level trap in this game.
Sit back and enjoy the review 😎

GAME REVIEW - Game 101518 review
February Rivalry Rumble winner Champion Ajet wins Ruby with a much attacking spirit with good positional play and superb trap to back up the win.

GAME REVIEW - Game 100707 review
Barsey showcase his brilliant Crown start technique to capture multiple seeds in a single move against Daniel
Sit back and enjoy these Crown πŸ‘‘ Crown πŸ‘‘ Start feature on Afrodraught

GAME REVIEW - Game 96529 review
Nigerian Ghanaian champion Champion Ruben (Ruby) frustrated the youngest champion in Nigeria Peter Anjola (Pirrowpizza) to a must win victory in a very superb encounter
Relax and enjoy the interesting positional plays!!!

Puzzle 36
Champion Ruben Ruby creates a supreme draught play and creates an unsolvable puzzle in this game.
Unless unveiled you are at risk of not finding the trap!!!!πŸ₯±

LUNCH GAME REVIEW - Game 97926 review
Dediamond strikes again ⚑️⚑️ ⚑️ . Utilising suspended capture in a brilliant way πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ

Puzzle 35
Jossybon delivers a sensational trap
Can you spot the trap?

AfroDraught celebrating 100k games


From Monday to Friday 12am-11:59pm. Player with the most played games gets 100 coins.

Congratulations 🎊 to Top 16 qualifiers from Group B
Congratulations to the these top 16 from Group A. See you all at Obalende, Lagos State on Feb 22nd, 2025 for the board final. An overall champion surely will emerge.

1st price - N200k
2nd prize - N150k
3rd prize - N100k

4th - 10th prize - 2k

Sure will be exciting.

Congratulations 🎊 to Top 16 qualifiers
Congratulations to the these top 16 from Group A. See you all at Obalende, Lagos State on Feb 22nd, 2025 for the board final. An overall champion surely will emerge.

1st price - N200k
2nd prize - N150k
3rd prize - N100k

4th - 10th prize - 2k

Sure will be exciting.

Game 97188 review
Cripple jump fence of Benin Odafe Ogbimi (master) defeats the White lion of Bayelsa Otuku Doubra (kingdoubis) with a classical combination.
Take a relaxed mood and enjoy this review.

Puzzle 34
Master delivers a masterclass in this puzzle. Can you spot the trap?

Puzzle of the day 🎲
Dowzy played a superb trap that is technical.
Can you spot the trap?

Puzzle 41
Korey21 dived in a tricky combo against kmenshah of Ghana.
Guess the trap 😎.

Puzzle 40
Dediamond performs experimental draught and upset on hammed game in these battle.
Can you spot the trap ?

Puzzle 39
Dking unleashed a flexible trap against Dowzy.
Can you Guess the trap from the self acclaimed White lion of ekiti 😎?

Puzzle 38
Nigerian Draught champion Otuku doubra (kingdoubis) the white lion of Bayelsa executed a superb trap against Ajisafe stylishly.
Might be difficult to Spot the trap πŸ˜›